Our Purpose

With the rebrand of 2019, we are changing directions from this “stitch”-focused blog to spend more time on the “Purpose”, making us more of an organization focused on charity. 

Check out our Educational Posts page and our Resource page to learn more!

Mission Statement

We believe that every man, woman and child was created in God’s image and with a purpose.  That every man, woman and child should have the opportunity to live a life free from chains, whether physical or emotional.  

We also believe that we can help eradicate modern day slavery through the use of prayer, education and sharing our love of crafting. 

Our goals for the next 5 years

  • To educated crafters of the realness of modern day slavery, and sex trafficking
  • To educate on ethical craft alternatives to the maker community
  • To design a line of crochet and knit patterns that are exclusively sold through the A Purpose and A Stitch store, with all proceeds going to support charities focused on fighting human trafficking.
  • To partner with yarn companies and other craft distributors in order to provide easier access to products that ensure fair trade standards.  
  • To start a line of hand dyed yarns that are 100% fair trade, making it easier for the crafting community to purchase ethically sourced materials they can feel good about.

What We’re Actively Doing Now

  • As of 2020, we are donating 50% of all PDF pattern sale proceeds to Hope For Justice, an organization aimed at eradicating Modern Day Slavery.
  • We are actively trying to promote use of fair trade and ethically sourced materials used for crafting in the maker community.